We summarize some concluding results from (Funk 1995). We assume that \(M\) is a complete metric space.

For a set-valued (pre)cosheaf Funk (1995) provides a construction similar to the étalé space of a (pre)sheaf.

By Funk (1995 Theorem 6.1) \({\operatorname{dis}}D\) is locally connected for any cosheaf \(D\) on \(M\).

We continue to specify a natural transformation \(\eta\) from \({\operatorname{id}}\) to \(\gamma \circ \lambda\).

By (Funk 1995, Theorem 5.9 and Remark 5.10) \(\lambda\) and \(\gamma\) form a pair of adjoint functors \(\lambda \dashv \gamma\) with unit \(\eta\). Further the counit \(\varepsilon\) for this adjunction is a natural isomorphism by (Funk 1995, Theorem 6.1). We summarize this as a

  1. Theorem. \(\lambda\) and \(\gamma\) form a pair of adjoint functors \(\lambda \dashv \gamma\) with unit \(\eta\) and whose counit \(\varepsilon\) is an isomorphism.