In this section we develop the theory of precosheaves to the extend needed for the interleaving distance of Reeb graphs by de Silva, Munch, and Patel (2016) and subsequent sections. Before we get to precosheaves we start with some point-set topological definitions.

Similar to topological spaces we can equip subsets of an intersection-based space with an induced intersection-base.

In addition to subspaces we also define products.

Next we define continuous maps between intersection-based spaces.

As we can see intersection-based spaces and topological spaces are very similar and so far intersection-based spaces didn’t provide us with anything new. It is the following definition where intersection-based spaces provide something that their corresponding topological spaces my not provide.

The reason we name such a map \(\varphi\) Galois is that \(\varphi^{+1}\) and \(\varphi^{-1}\) then form a monotone Galois connection \(\varphi^{+1} \dashv \varphi^{-1}\).

  1. Lemma. Let \(\varphi \colon X \rightarrow Y\) and \(\psi \colon Y \rightarrow Z\) be continuous and Galois, then \(\psi \circ \varphi\) is Galois and \((\psi \circ \varphi)^{+1} = \psi^{+1} \circ \varphi^{+1}\).

These are all the point-set topological notions we need, so we can start with precosheaves.

The reader may already guess that for an intersection-based space \(X\) we will also augment the class of set-valued precosheaves on \(X\) with the structure of a category.

Now let \(\varphi \colon X \rightarrow Y\) be a continuous map between intersection-based spaces. We associate to \(\varphi\) a functor from the category of set-valued precosheaves on \(X\) to the category of precosheaves on \(Y\).

We note that \(\varphi_*\) is a functor from the category of precosheaves on \(X\) to the category of precosheaves on \(Y\). Now let \(\psi \colon Y \rightarrow Z\) be another continuous map between intersection-based spaces.

Now suppose \(\varphi\) and \(\psi\) are Galois. We describe a functor in the other direction.

We note that \(\varphi_p\) is a functor from the category of precosheaves on \(Y\) to the category of precosheaves on \(X\).

If \(\varphi\) is not Galois then a functor like \(\varphi_p\) still exists, see for example (Stacks Project Authors 2017, tag 008C), but it is not as easy to define and not as easy to work with. In particular the previous lemma would not hold in this form and such compositions would invoke some subtleties. This is the reason we introduced intersection-based spaces in the first place.